Wanted: international female basketball players

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Irati Beltran Hernandez

Are you an international female basketball player who intends to come to Utrecht (to study)? Utrecht Cangeroes can offer you a position in our first women’s team competing in the Dutch Women’s Basketball League.

At Utrecht Cangeroes we have Basketball teams at all levels. And we are the only club in Utrecht playing at the highest level in the Netherlands; in the Women’s Basketball League (WBL). Our first women’s team consists of players from our own youth as well as from other cities nearby and from abroad. Players who intend to stay and work in Utrecht as well as students who (will) study at Utrecht University or Hogeschool Utrecht are very welcome to join the team.

We have our own sports facility in Lunetten (in the south east of Utrecht), which is close to the city center, the University area (Science Park), and public transport. We have a dedicated foundation and team of volunteers who support this team with additional sports clothing, training possibilities, and financials. We believe that we shape the future of our club together, so we also ask our players to support the club in return, for instance by assisting our youth teams in practices and clinics

Besides good educational possibilities, Utrecht is a very nice city to live in. Please find some useful links to more information on the city and students housing below.




or check out the various Facebook groups for internationals in Utrecht.

If you are a female basketball player and you think that you would be a nice fit for our first women’s team and our club, please contact us at: voorzitter@utrechttopsport.com

The head coach will invite you to join for a few try-outs. And, who knows, maybe next season you’ll be playing with us at Utrecht Cangeroes!